Heinz Nixdorf Institute – University of Paderborn  

Ph.D. Candidate – September 2020 - Current

  • Conducting research on Large Language Models to improve their application in software engineering tasks, particularly static analysis. Published academic articles that expand the understanding of LLM capabilities
  • Developed static analysis methods for Python to enhance ML development processes, achieving better integration of analysis tools in these processes.
  • Awarded the DAAD Prize for demonstrating exceptional academic and social achievement among international students.
  • Represented the Secure Software Engineering research group in the German government funded "KI-Marktplatz" project. Research on security concepts and certification of AI software artifacts.
  • Currently representing our group in the "SustAInable Life-cycle of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems" project.
  • Teaching assistant for various courses and supervision of master students.


Research Intern – August 2023 - September 2023

  • Contributed to the design and implementation of a generic plugin for PyCharm and DataSpell to integrate state-of-the-art Python source code analysis into the IDE.
  • Integrated HeaderGen into PyCharm as a proof of concept.

University of Paderborn – Networking Department  

Student Research Assistant – September 2019 - June 2020

  • Involved in the research and development of 5G programmable network infrastructure under the "5G-PICTURE" project funded by the EU.
  • Lead the development efforts to demonstrate our research in a technical meeting with project partners held in Barcelona.
  • Co-author of a research paper published in the "European Conference on Networks and Communications". Contributions include implementing, experimenting and providing statistical evidence.

Diebold Nixdorf  

Student Developer – September 2017 - September 2019

  • Worked closely with the release manager to successfully develop a series of business process automation tools that helped in optimizing the company's resources. This had a direct impact on how the tasks were assigned to developers.
  • Designed and implemented a metrics dashboard that provides actionable insights regarding the development process.
  • Monitored and helped developers in continuous integration and build management topics.

Fracktal Works  

Software Developer – March 2016 - March 2017

  • Lead the initial development efforts, designed the core architecture, and built an IoT home security product from ideas to proof of concept. Lauched as CareVision with a Kickstarter campaign.
  • Conceptualized and implemented new features into existing desktop software and firmware for 3D printers.
  • Designed and deployed data aggregation strategy for collection and analysis of usage metrics to understand client behavior.


Software Developer – April 2015 - March 2016

  • Involved in open-source development, testing and deployment of 3D printer software and firmware along with the cloud based web apps.
  • Represented the company at various events and exhibitions. Hosted educational talks about 3D Printing for students and corporate companies.

Heinz Nixdorf Institute – University of Paderborn

  • TypeEvalPy
    • A Micro-benchmarking Framework for Python Type Inference Tools. Includes integration and evaluation of 30 LLMs. Published at ICSE 2024. link
  • HeaderGen
    • Automated cell header generator for machine learning Jupyter notebooks based on static analysis for Python. Published at SANER 2023. link
  • Scalpel
    • Involved in the development and maintenance of static analysis framework for Python. Created by researchers at the Monash university. link
  • PyCG
    • Contributor to PyCG, an open-source call graph generator for Python. link

University of Paderborn

  • Project Group - SCrAMblE Grade: 1.0 link
    • Title: "Management of Services Across Multiple Clouds"
    • Lead a team of 8 master students for 1 year as part of the project work at the university.
    • Took key decisions on architecture and system design topics.
    • The work and findings of our research work successfully contributed to the "5G-PICTURE" project.
  • Build it, Break it, Fix it Grade: 1.3 link
    • Practical security based contest where teams build, exploit and fix security aspects of a system.
    • Our team stood second in the university.
  • Seminars Grade: 1.0, 1.7

Diebold Nixdorf

  • Software Agent for Issue Management
    • Built a tool to efficiently handle incoming issues and feature requests from developers for a retail software.
    • Software agent was responsible for automating the initial life cycle of the issue and effectively assigning the issue to the responsible teams once approved by the internal standards.
    • What started as an idea between me and my manager was eventually deployed in practice and proved effective in managing developers company wide.
  • Data Visualization Dashboard
    • Built a series of dashboards for issue management that involved collection and visualization of various actionable metrics.
    • One example is a dashboard that visualizes the impact of software agent.

Fracktal Works

  • CareVision link
    • Linux based IoT home security product with an array of sensors and unique software features. Termed as "Emotionally intelligent" device.
    • Designed and implemented video processing pipelines for capturing and encoding multiple video streams from camera.
    • Implemented unique new features such as "timelapse to video mapping" which are patent pending.
    • Built a python based middleware for a linux embedded system.
    • Proven ability to work with hardware components by building circuits on breadboard for testing.
  • Fractory
    • Online eco-system for 3D printing and rapid prototyping.
    • Proposed and implemented proof of concept of a cloud based cost estimator for building parts.
    • Improved open-source python desktop GUI used to print 3D printing models. Added features such as auto orientation of models to improve ease of use.


    • Represented EZ3 as a technical guide at the IMTEX expo, one of India's prestigious expos.
    • Gave a brief technical overview of 3D printing to potential clients.
  • Open-source Software
    • UNKIA: Customized open-source 3D printer firmware based on a project called "Marlin". Lead to a pull request on the main repository.
    • EZ-Remote: Customized open-source wireless 3D Printing setup which includes an android app and a python server running on Raspberry pi.
    • PartOrder: Conceptualized and implemented a python based B2B desktop ordering software for our repeat customers.
  • Company WebApps
    • Built the company website and other small useful web applications for the clients on the website.

An Empirical Study of Large Language Models for Type and Call Graph Analysis

Under Review for EMSE Journal: Empirical Software Engineering (CORE A) link

TypeEvalPy: A Micro-benchmarking Framework for Python Type Inference Tools

ICSE Demo 2024: International Conference on Software Engineering (CORE A*) link

The Emergence of Large Language Models in Static Analysis: A First Look through Micro-Benchmarks

FORGE 2024 (at ICSE): AI Foundation Models and Software Engineering link

Static Analysis Driven Enhancements for Comprehension in Machine Learning Notebooks

EMSE Journal Empirical Software Engineering (CORE A) link

Hidden Gems in the Rough: Computational Notebooks as an Uncharted Oasis for IDEs

ICSE IDE 2024: International Conference on Software Engineering (CORE A*) link

Enhancing Comprehension and Navigation in Jupyter Notebooks with Static Analysis

SANER 2023: 30th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (CORE A) link
Distinguished Paper Award link

Automated cell header generator for Jupyter notebooks

AISTA 2021: 1st ACM International Workshop on AI and Software Testing/Analysis (CORE A) link

Dynamic Provisioning of Network Services on Heterogeneous Resources

EuCNC: European Conference on Networks and Communications link

Security Implications Of Compiler Optimizations On Cryptography--A Review

arXiv, technical report link

Ph.D. in Computer Science*

University of Paderborn – Germany

Master of Science in Computer Science

University of Paderborn – Germany
2017-2020 • Grade: 1.5

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

Visvesvaraya Technological University – Bangalore, India
2011-2015 • Grade: First Class

LeftRightCentre.in (link)

Left, Right, and Centre (LRC)—a non-profit LLM-driven news platform dedicated to fostering balanced and informed discussions. At LRC, we leverage LLMs to innovate political discourse, objectifying the subjective elements of politics to provide a framework for critical thinking. Our highly automated platform curates a spectrum of political viewpoints and uses LLMs to minimize bias and deepen the reader's understanding of diverse perspectives. Our strategy is designed to ensure that the AI remains unbiased and maintains impartiality in processing and presenting information.

SecretReviewer (link)

SecretReviewer is a board game that simulates the academic review process, casting players in roles that either champion or obstruct the publication of scientific papers, with a special emphasis on the notorious and unpredictable role of Reviewer 2. This game, designed purely for entertainment, showcases a blend of strategy and humor, encouraging playful debates and strategic thinking among researchers.

Algorithmic Trading Bot

Automated trading in crypto and stock markets for Binance, Kite, and lemon.markets. Designed and built over 18 months to be reliable, available, and scalable (100s of bots individually managing 100s of assets). Highly modular and customizable signalling modules. Plugin infrastructure for creating custom functionality, such as telegram integration, graphing module, dashboard, etc. Proven in the real-world over the last year both personally and by money managers. I plan to make this open-source soon.

RTCHub - Home Monitoring with Machine Learning (link)

Firmware - Middleware - Cloud - App, Complete solution built from scratch. Showcasing my cross-domain ideas and development skill set.

PDL - Pocket Data Logger (link)

Built a production device for a structural engineer capable of recording metrics from an array of sensors such as IMU, Camera, GPS, Wheel and Temperature. Controlled using a dashboard which includes a HUD display of data over the video stream.

Election Result Analysis (link)

A simple web scrapper to list and count the total votes gained by a particular political party in Indian election.

Multi-Language Name Printer (link)

A python program that takes a name and prints it in various indian languages. Developed for crowd engagement at an university event.

Project Mentor For Bachelor Students

Project mentor for 4 teams of final year engineering under VTU University.
Domain: IoT, Embedded Systems, CNC Machines


Co-Founded a service oriented start-up at 16 years.

More open-source projects on my GitHub... (link)

Supervised Master's Theses

  • On the effectiveness of Large Language Models in callgraph construction across programming languages | Ongoing
  • Leveraging Large Language Models for Classification of Code Cells in Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks | Ongoing
  • A Large-scale Analysis Of Source Code Metrics For Jupyter Notebooks | Ongoing
  • Static Analysis Driven Feature Augmentation for Code Classification in Data Science Notebooks | April 2024
  • TypeEvalPy: Common Evaluation Framework for Type Inference | November 2023
  • Classification of Machine Learning APIs into Machine Learning Operations | June 2023
  • Classifying Code-cells in Jupyter Notebooks with Static Analysis Output using Machine Learning | Nov 2022
  • Automated Cell Header Generation for Machine Learning Jupyter Notebooks | Feb 2022

Designing code analyses for large-scale software systems

Master Course • 2020, 2023 link

  • Introduction of static code analysis concepts.
  • Intra-procedural data-flow analysis, call-graph construction algorithms, context-insensitivity, pointer analysis

Secure Systems Engineering

Bachelor Course • 2021, 2022 link

  • Threat modeling, secure design, coding, deployment, validation, and maintenance.
  • Build it, Break it, Fix it: security-oriented programming contest.

Secure Systems Engineering Seminar

Master Course • 2021, 2024 link

  • Leading the organization of student seminar group.
  • Basics of scientific research. How to read, write, present, and review scientific work.

Panorama Photography link

50+ 360° Panoramas with ~5.5 Million+ views.

Algo Trading

Lucid Dreaming

Cricket Player profile

Active member of the "Paderborn Panthers" cricket club.

Indian Classical Music

3D Printing

Power Lifting
